Coffee drinks illustrated
Side-by-side diagrams of a few common espresso drinks
I'm new to the world of fancy coffee drinks. With the vast number of ordering options and new words with accented characters to pronounce the coffee shop ordering experience can be intimidating. I've created a few small illustrations to help myself and others wrap their head around some of the small differences.
About espresso
Espresso is prepared by forcing pressurized steam through finely ground dark-roast coffee beans. Think of it is strong, concentrated coffee. You can add extra 'shots' of espresso to make your drink stronger.
Espresso Macchiato
Milk foam, Espresso
Espresso con Panna
Whipped Cream, Espresso
Caffé Latte
Milk Foam, Steamed Milk, Espresso
Flat White
Steamed Milk, Espresso
Cafe Breve
Milk Foam, Steamed Half-and-half, Espresso
Milk Foam, Steamed Milk, Espresso
Caffé Mocha
Steamed Milk, Espresso
Water, Espresso
Each drink above is an individual image. I've also created a single image that contains all nine coffee drinks for convenient saving/sharing.
About the diagrams
I gathered most of my information from Wikipedia and tidbits from other online sources. Be aware that drinks might be prepared a bit differently coffee shop to coffee shop, and especially country to country.